Three-stage high-shear emulsification pump, widely used in food and beverage, ink, paper, adhesive, lubricant, cosmetics, pharmaceutical and other industries. Suitable for the transportation of low, medium and high viscosity media; other applications: photovoltaic cells, semiconductor wafers, glass panels, circuit boards, light products with holes on the surface, etc.
豫信致诚机械设备有限公司主要生产经营: 广西百色水渠机。我们公司始终遵循“质量为主,客户至上,诚信为本”的经营理念。致力于提供高品质的产品,完善的售后服务,快捷的供货。无论您身处何方,都能感受到我们专业技术人员迅捷优良的服务。公司以良好的信誉、优质的产品、雄厚的实力、低廉的价格享誉全国30多个省、市、自治区、直辖市,产品深得用户依赖。欢迎新老客户来电垂询。
Uniqueness of the hose pump: no other pump has better self-priming ability than the hose pump, and can almost generate vacuum to suck liquid; convey gas-liquid and foam liquid without air resistance; convey high viscosity, shear Cutting sensitive media is also a strength; a fixed displacement per revolution is independent of outlet pressure.
RGB系列软管泵(又称蠕动泵)是通过滚轮或者滑块挤压胶管来工作的。泵可以干转,自吸以及处理高粘度、高磨损介质。泵体无须密封,完全无泄漏,并且每次旋转都能输出固定流量的容积泵,具有转速低、无噪音等特点,用途较为广泛,应用于冶金、稀土、脱硫环保、水处理、造纸、油漆、钛 、复合肥等行业。豫致诚机械生产的工业软管泵有单管和双管两种形式,可作为清池自吸泵、压滤机泵、泥浆泵使用。