华昂特钢有限公司坐落于开发区汇通金属国际工业园,本公司专业生产 西藏阿里无缝方管。“ 质量为基础,诚信求永恒,厚德载物” 是我公司的企业发展宗旨,也是企业员工孜孜不倦的努力方向 。 公司经多年的发展和努力,拥有着一批专业的服务团队,从机器设计、生产加工、安装运行到售后服务,有朋至远方来,不亦乐乎! 欢迎各地朋友前来参观考察,共谋发展,共创美好未来!
本公司始终坚持:质优价廉的宗旨把我们的产品推向全国各地,依托日趋壮大的客户体系,通过公司运营与资本运作的衔接,将实现更加快速的发展。并积极开展进出口贸易活动,开辟新的业务品种,拓宽新的经营渠道,同时组建了专业的物流配送中心以满足客户对钢材配送集约型的要求。随着全国大型工程不断开工也为我公司带来了广阔的发展空间。我们会用真诚的服务来筑起我们 的合作。欢迎来电咨询。
jaingsu huaang fangguancahng Steel Pipe Co., Ltd. specializes in producing a series of high frequency welded pipe products, such as square pipe, rectangular pipe and Fangtong pipe. The company is located in Wuxi, an economic star city known as "Little Shanghai". Its geographical condition is superior. It is close to 312 National Highway, Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway and Beijing-Shanghai Railway. The traffic is very convenient. With the spirit of earnest practice, excellence and unity, all the staff are fully satisfied with the market needs. The enterprise has rich experience in management, and can produce all kinds of special specifications of square and rectangular tubes according to customer requirements.
High-frequency welded pipe products such as square pipe, rectangular pipe and Fangtong are widely used in light steel structure wall and roof, curtain wall, light steel bar, civil engineering, automobile manufacturing, ship manufacturing, conveyor manufacturing, steel window industry, container industry, logistics shelf, mine support, agricultural machinery spray tank, oil irrigation, construction industry.