普邦环保材料有限公司位于高新技术产业开发区金梭路33号,是一家集生产、售后服务于一体的公司。目前公司主要产品有 安徽合肥聚丙烯酰胺,产品品种质量均处于同行业优良水平,广泛应用于各大企业。产品质量良好,多年来和多家企业进行多次合作,我们可以根据客户的具体要求定制生产,满足不同的客户需求。公司自成立以来,在多年的发展过程,和多家企业和公司进行了亲密的合作和周到的售后服务。我们将本着“信守合同,价格适宜”的宗旨,竭诚为广大用户服务。我们将以新的机制、新的起点,继续致力于 安徽合肥聚丙烯酰胺产品的生产,努力提高公司的素质,增强市场竞争能力,争取在本行业中立于有利之地。诚挚欢迎朋友来电来函增进友谊,洽谈业务。我们愿与您一起共创辉煌的未来!
磷酸法制备活性炭的过程中,磷酸与木质纤维原料的作用机理可分为以下几个方面:润胀作用、加速活化作用、脱水作用、氧化作用和芳香缩合作用。 [2]
磷酸活化法的基本工艺包括木屑筛选、干燥、磷酸溶液配制、混合(或浸渍) 、炭化、活化、回收、漂洗(包括酸处理和水洗)、离心脱水、干燥与磨粉等工序,如生产颗粒活性炭还需增加捏合工艺。另外,附设专门的废气净化系统,回收烟气中的磷酸和炭粉,减少对环境的污染。磷酸活化法的生产工艺中,要注意在炭化段控制度,让磷酸充分渗透入木屑,再与活化段协同控制,可以明显提高活性炭吸附能力,产品质量稳定,同时适当降低活化温度对降低产品灰分有利。炭活化尾气采用多段液相回收可以增加磷酸和细炭粉的回收,采用高压静电方式也有利于尾气中焦油的去除。
The two is to look at the honeycomb activated carbon products produced by the bubble, if the bubble is more the better the quality of the product. We can do a little experiment, a handful of honeycomb activated carbon products into the water, because the water penetration effect, water will be immersed in the pores of activated carbon, so the pore in the air, resulting in a series of very small bubbles, pulled out a tiny bubbles lines in the water, at the same time also issued Zizi bubble sound, looked very interesting. If this phenomenon is very serious, and the longer the duration, then it is proved that the honeycomb activated carbon product pore structure is very developed, that is, the better adsorption performance of honeycomb activated carbon.
The two is to look at the honeycomb activated carbon products produced by the bubble, if the bubble is more the better the quality of the product. We can do a little experiment, a handful of honeycomb activated carbon products into the water, because the water penetration effect, water will be immersed in the pores of activated carbon, so the pore in the air, resulting in a series of very small bubbles, pulled out a tiny bubbles lines in the water, at the same time also issued Zizi bubble sound, looked very interesting. If this phenomenon is very serious, and the longer the duration, then it is proved that the honeycomb activated carbon product pore structure is very developed, that is, the better adsorption performance of honeycomb activated carbon.